After School Care
After School Care
The Savannah River Academy’s “The Aviary” after-school program is a well-staffed, fully equipped child development program that strives to enrich each child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development by providing a secure, caring, and stimulating environment. Our program extends the Savannah River Academy experience and assists with providing the foundation children need to develop a lifetime love of learning in a fun, caring, and safe environment.
All students planning on using the program regularly or on a drop-in basis must register for the program and pay a yearly $35 registration fee.
Please register through the link below.
After School Age 5-through 8th grade
After School is open from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., according to the school calendar. Our programs offer a fun, creative, and active environment for Savannah River Academy students.
Payment options:
1-Pay $1500 for the entire school year ($8.50/day)
2-Pay $16 per day as needed (Will be invoiced through FACTS)
3:30-4:00 Snack/free play
4:00-4:30 Activity /Homework/Reading
4:30-6:00 Activities and Outside Space Rotation
Each staff member has been carefully screened and selected on the basis of educational background, training, and experience. Staff members have training in CPR, first aid, fire and safety procedures, and symptoms of child abuse. All have completed the records check required by the State of Georgia.
Behavior Management
Our teachers and staff use positive strategies to encourage appropriate behavior. For lower and middle school students, the after-school program follows the Levels of Unacceptable Behavior that are appropriate for the student’s age. These methods are consistent with how teachers manage their classrooms during the day, and Aviary Teachers are in close and constant communication with the daytime teachers, making sure we are focusing holistically on each and every child.
Every effort is made to assist middle school students with their homework. After-school teachers are not trained tutors but will ensure a quiet, supervised environment for students to work on their homework.
Children must be picked up promptly at the closing time of the program in which your child is enrolled. Children who are not picked up on time will be charged a fee of $10.00 every five minutes after closing time.
The After School Center staff can be reached during its operating hours, 3:30 p.m. through 6:00 p.m., by calling the front office at 706-469-4452 or by email.
Any changes made to your child’s enrollment in The Aviary after-school care require a 2-week written notice. Parents are responsible for keeping the school advised of any significant changes, such as work locations, emergency contacts, family physician, etc.
In the event of an accident requiring professional emergency treatment, the policy of the Savannah River Academy is to first contact a parent. If a parent cannot be reached, the child will be taken to the nearest hospital emergency room. If the child cannot be moved, an ambulance will be called. Permission is hereby given by the registered parent (guardian) for medical care and treatment, use of anesthesia, and/or operation for the child if deemed necessary by a physician approved by the authorities of Savannah River Academy.
Bright From the Start
The Savannah River Academy’s Aviary after-school program is exempt from Bright From the Start licensure due to the following criteria being met: Section 591-1-1.46(b)(2) and Section 591-1-1.46(b)(3)
A copy of our exemption notification is posted in the front office. If you would like more information about the exemption, please contact Deidre Hankinson.
Email deidre.hankinson@savannahriveracadmy.org for more information about The Aviary.