Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school end and how late can I pick up my child?
Pick up for the full day program is at 3:30 pm. After school care (Aviary) is available until 6pm. Students not picked up by 3:45 pm will be sent to Aviary at the daily drop-in rate. Pick up time for students enrolled in Core only is 1:00 pm.
What time does school end and how late can I pick up my child?
Pick up for the full day program is at 3:30 pm. After school care (SOAR) is available until 6pm. Students not picked up by 3:45 pm will be sent to SOAR at the daily drop-in rate. Pick up time for students enrolled in Core only is 1:00 pm.
How do I drop off, and pick up, my child?
Pull onto campus and stay to the right to drive up to the portico at the main entrance. Students should remain inside their cars until a teacher is there to greet them. Pick up happens exactly the same way, except we will bring your child to your car. Please display your orange car tag (provided to you before school starts) on your dashboard/windshield. If you would prefer to walk your child into (or from) the building, you may do so, but please make sure your car is not blocking car line.
Do I need to send a lunch and/or snack?
Please send a nutritious snack with your child every day. Families may choose on a daily basis to send a nutritious lunch or order from School House Fare. We also do not have a convenient way to refrigerate or warm up lunch, so please pack foods that are fine at room temperature.
What are the grade levels at SRA?
SRA serves students from age 2 through 8th grade.
What should my child wear to school? Will there be uniforms?
SRA has a mandatory uniform policy. Please find details of this policy here.
Is Savannah River Academy accredited?
Yes! We are fully accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission.
Do I need to purchase school supplies?
SRA purchases all school supplies and families pay a one time “at cost” fee. The cost will not be marked up; this is not a money-making (or fund-raising) endeavor. We only offer this as a time and cost-saving option, while being sure the teachers are getting exactly what they want for their classrooms.
Will I need to file an intent to homeschool?
If your child is in Kindergarten, the short answer is “no.” For other grades, you will only need to file if your child is not participating in the entire program (i.e., Monday through Friday 8:30-3:30). The link to do so is: https://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Pages/Home-Study-DOI.aspx
If you are a resident of South Carolina not enrolled in the full day/week program, you will need to register with the state.